Fellowship & Events
Sunday School Classes– 9:00 a.m. Classes for all ages, a nursery is available as well.
Sunday Worship Service– 10:00 a.m. Corporate worship
Sunday Evening Prayer– This is an elder led time of prayer for the congregation
Tuesday Morning Prayer – 7:00 a.m. Members meet at the church to pray for all prayer requests made for the week.
Wednesday Night Fellowship – Pot Luck dinner begins at 6:30 and Bible Study at the church for the entire family.
Youth Ministry – There is a youth program that meets on Wednesday night following the Pot Luck Dinner for all young people. Susan Hill leads this group of young people.
Friday Lunch Bunch – 12:00 noon- This event is for anybody willing to have a great time of fellowship. The location rotates and is posted on the church calendar.
We also have a variety of on-going Bible studies and small groups that meet to study a variety of Biblical topics. Contact the church office for specific topics and times.
Agape Circle – This ladies Bible Study meets the first Wednesday of each month at 1:00 p.m. The current study is Lessons from the book of Psalms. A short business meeting and dessert follow the lesson and prayer time. This is a wonderful group for those women who prefer a daytime meeting.
WOW (Women of Westview) – The purpose of WOW is to support the church mission. This ladies group also plans and implements church fellowships. It meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month (unless changed due to a holiday) at 6:00 p.m. There are many opportunities for volunteers to get involved.
Adult Fellowship – This is an opportunity for all adults to get together and fellowship. Sometimes a special event or road trip is planned. Other times, games or activities are enjoyed at the church. Each participant brings a sack lunch and meets on the 3rd Thursday at 11:30 at the church.
Men’s Fellowship –The Men’s Fellowship is an opportunity for community Christian churches to get together. These men organize a breakfast and have a guest speaker biannually. The location rotates among the participating churches.
Ronald McDonald House – Food is taken the fifth Saturday of the month to feed the families living away from home with children in the hospital for an extended period of time. Contact the church for more details.