Fellowship & Events


  • Sunday School Classes– 9:00 a.m. Classes for all ages, a nursery is available as well.

  • Sunday Worship Service– 10:00 a.m. Corporate worship.

  • Sunday Small Group Study– Elder led small groups gathered for further study- various programming is used.

  • Tuesday Morning Prayer – 7:30 a.m. Members meet at the church to pray for all prayer requests made for the week.

  • Wednesday Night Fellowship – Bible Study at the church for the entire family.

  • We also have a variety of on-going Bible studies and small groups that meet to study a variety of Biblical topics. Contact the church office for specific topics and times.


  • Agape Circle – This ladies Bible Study meets the third Monday of each month at 1:00 p.m. with the exception of summer time when they break. The is a monthly Bible Study. A short business meeting and dessert follow the lesson and prayer time. This is a wonderful group for those women who prefer a daytime meeting.

  • WOW (Women of Westview) – The purpose of WOW is to support the church mission. This ladies group also plans and implements church fellowships. It meets the 3rd Thursday of each month (unless changed due to a holiday) at 7:00 p.m. There are many opportunities for volunteers to get involved.

  • Adult Fellowship – This is an opportunity for all adults to get together and fellowship. The group meets on the 3rd Thursday at 11:30 at various venues- check upcoming events for time and place.

  • Monthly Fellowship meal- The first Sunday of the month we stay after service and have a brown bag church fellowship meal. Its a great time of fun, fellowship, and feasting!

  • A.R.F.– Amarillo Reformed Fellowship meets Quarterly on the evening of the 2nd Sunday of that month. These evening services rotate between churches with a different Pastor preaching at each one.